Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rise & Shine!

My view looking over Dave's helmet from the stoker position!

Sometimes it takes planning ahead to squeeze in enough riding to make a difference in our overall fitness abilities. We both want to be more fit and lose weight. If we can lose weight, cycling will take less effort, and we'll be faster -- that's the part David really likes!

We've been getting up very, very early now ~ as soon as the sun is up ~ at least 3 times a week to allow us to squeeze in a ride of sizable duration when work and additional responsibilities would otherwise eat up our day. In spite of the loss of sleep, these rides are sometimes really spectacular!

The sunshine glinting off of dewy blades of grass gave one recent morning an unusual freshness and glow.  That same morning, a family of wild turkeys was standing all across one roadway, and cleared to make way for us as we approached.

With the morning exercise, we find we have more get-up&go throughout the day as well. It's definitely a win-win situation... I just wish we could do this all year long. I realize that our days will soon grow shorter and coldness will settle in. Until then, we'll take advantage of the opportunity and the beauty of the rural roads of Eastern Connecticut!

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